The MS Resistance

Millennials. The generation most likely to be newly or recently diagnosed with MS. A condition that leaves them worried, vulnerable, and unsure of their future. But with the arrival of new treatments that could potentially keep millennials out of a wheelchair for up to fifteen years longer, there are ways to resistant what many thought was inevitable.

Made during the COVID-19 lockdowns, we turned millennials living with MS from across the world into photographers, videographers, and content creators - resulting in a global campaign that speaks to a generation like they speak to each other.

Have a gander at the case study, then explore the work below that. It’s worth it, honestly.
The judges at the PM Awards thought so. They gave it a gold and everything.

The Resistance Case Study Video

The Resistance was brought to life by patients during COVID-19…

… And this is the Handbook that made it possible.

From ads, to banners, to posters, to internal comms, to tiny social videos to stop people scrolling…

… The Resistance lives on and on and on.

The PM Awards 2021 - Gold Winner

The PM Awards 2021 - Gold Winner